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Posted - 07 Apr 2008 :  3:10:24 PM  Visit artofohm's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have recently started to close all my HSBC accounts globally due to them having double standards, high charges, low interest rates and lying staff members.

They claim to be the Global Local Bank however when you transfer monies between your own global accounts they charge you. when questioned they claim that a firewall between the banks does not allow for such transactions to be seen so they have to charge me.

HSBC Australia is an account I kept merely to accept the rental income on my property an to make the direct debits monthly to my mortgage company. The problem here in lies that they receive my funds in good time and do not deposit them until after the payment has been made out which obviously incurrs a fee, which if overlooked will just mount up year on year. They do the same for credit cards, do check your monthly credit card bills, seems the Giro payments miss the payment deadline enough to charge you an extortinate fee.

when I drew this problem to their attention they stated as I was a premier customer in their overseas office they would give me an instant upgrade to a Premier account, this way I would have some over draft limits and a relationship manager to inform me of any over drawn amounts on my account but before I could agree to this they would need me to sign some forms.

One such form would give HSBC Australia the right to share my information with their world wide office, when I refused to allow such access the premier account was withdrawn. why should I allow HSBC Australia to see my global accounts when they themselves have already stated this is not allowed to reduce my own costs, they have double standards.

I opened an account with Commonwealth Bank within 10 days and found their service to be very effecieient (I am not an employee of CBA nor do I own shares in them), just a fan in the early stages, this will probably change, banks normally are nice when you join, then the **** starts. Although Commonwealth Bank has not asked me to sign any forms asking me to allow them account access to my local bank in Singapore, strange that!

<removed comments by admin pending the proof>

Beware of HSBC worldwide, this site is one of my favourite complaints against HSBC

Edited by - artofohm on 07 Apr 2008 3:14:50 PM


22 Posts

Posted - 06 Aug 2008 :  7:18:11 PM  Show Profile  Visit David's Homepage Send David a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I got the following in regards to this topic and have removed the comments that they say are defamatory. I have simply copied the comments out until you can prove to this site that they are true and correct:

From: Stewart Chandler []
Sent: Wednesday, 6 August 2008 8:15 AM
To: Site Webmaster
Subject: Mention of HSBC Employee - Belle Morton
Importance: High

Name: Stewart Chandler
L32, 580 George Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Daytime Phone: 9006 5394
Evening Phone:

Email Address:

Directed to: Site Webmaster

Comments: The comments made on your web site about a HSBC employee by the name of Belle Morton are factually incorrect and defamatory. Whilst HSBC welcomes feedback about our staff and services, defamatory and factually incorrect statements are unhelpful for everyone concerned. Belle Morton was never employed by HSBC Singapore, it therefore follows that she could not have "lied" as published on your web site. As such we require you to remove the comments by no later than 1700 hrs Friday 8 Aug 08. Thank you for your co-operation. Please note we continue to reserve our rights in this matter.

How Did You Hear About Us? Referral

And before you ask Stewart, I am with-in my right to post your e-mail as it is from you to me in response to something that you feel is wrong, and I and have chosen to publish your comments to place HSBC's response.


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Posted - 07 Aug 2008 :  12:46:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit artofohm's Homepage Send artofohm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Belle Morton worked in Singapore for the International Banking Centre - The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (my mistake on the post stating she worked for HSBC Singapore).

As you can see by the legal eagle from HSBC he is merely twisting the words to have the content removed. Belle did work in Singapore for HSBC, she just wasn't an employee you can see bankers just cant be trusted even when they are lawyers who couldn't get a law firm of their own going and hide behind a cooperation.

Unfortunately I do not have any written proof against Belle Morton as it was verbally transacted and she of course denied the claims and HSBC brushed it off as hearsay (which in Singapore law is binding),in the usual banker fashion, the claim amount was not enough to go to court which is what they 'bank' on. She was however relocated quickly to HSBC Australia (Coincidence?) and is now
shifted back to the UK.

My suggestion is when speaking to a banker at any bank ask them if you may record the conversation and then see how much they want to talk to you then.
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